Live interactive concert with La Rosa del Norte!

La Rosa del Norte is a singer songwriter with beautiful songs from the heart with committed and sensitive lyrics. She takes you on a journey to Bali where she wrote a song about giant turtles and where a seed was planted to help solve plastic pollution, to Panama where the residents of an idyllic surf village don’t know where to go with their waste. You hear a hymn for mother earth and for a wise Maori man and through a song about the lockdowns we touch on the need to accept each other’s differences more. These are just some of the songs, but there are many more. We will end the first part of the programme with a sound healing to unify our intentions for a better world.
In the second part, she sings about manifesting her dreams, her struggles towards it and how to overcome them. She will take you on a meditative journey to help manifest your own dreams and offers a heartmath practice you can use to enhance your overall happiness.
After this interactive concert your heart will be fully opened and you will sense a bigger feeling of joy and happiness. Also you have gotten some tools and inspiration to manifest your dreams and to co-create this world into a better future for all.

Maak je dromen waar workshop/talk/concert

In deze inspirerende talk met live muziek en meditaties raak je geïnspireerd om te gaan voor wat je echt wilt en krijg je concrete handvatten waarmee je kunt oefenen om dit gericht te realiseren.

Er zijn stappen die je kunt nemen om je diepste verlangens te manifesteren en het proces wordt een stuk eenvoudiger als je een stappenplan hebt van hoe je dit aanpakt. Wat is de wetenschap achter het manifesteren van je dromen? Hoe kunnen blokkades worden getransformeerd en waar sta je in het proces om je dromen waar te maken? Beïnvloeden onze dromen de rest van de wereld?

Dit en meer kom je te weten tijdens dit unieke evenement. Bereid je voor op een ontspannen avond vol verwondering en oprechte inspiratie.


In this inspirational talk with live music and meditations, you will get inspired to go for what you really want and get some concrete tools you can practice to mindfully make it happen.

Rosa will take you on the journey of creating happiness through her unique songs, stories and meditations. 

There are steps you can take to manifest your deepest desires and the process becomes a lot easier if you have a roadmap on how to do it. What is the science behind manifesting your dreams? How can blockages be transformed and where are you in the process of making your dreams come true? Do our dreams influence the rest of the world?

Prepare for a relaxed evening full of wonder and heartfelt inspiration.